
"USA Today, the nation’s top selling newspaper, will be available on Kindle starting December 26, 2008. From world news to the daily Sports report, USA Today provides 3.6 million readers with the information they need to manage and enjoy their busy lives. As a gift to you, December 26th only, get the Kindle edition of USA Today wirelessly delivered to your device for free." – Amazon, via Gear Diary.

The TeleRead take: I’m happy for K owners, but part of the appeal of USA Today is the color photos. Also, the price is most likely going to be $10 or $15 a month. I’m happy for USA Today if it and Amazon can command that much, just as other papers do in partnership with Amazon. But in consumer terms you might be better off enjoying the paper for free on your iPhone/Touch. You can choose between an iP-optimized mobile site, which comes up automatically, and the regular site, which is probably more complete.

On the positive: Reading is reading. Amazon has the right idea in going after newspaper readers. Perhaps in the future we’ll see links in both directions between books and newspapers.

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  1. I agree that going after newspapers is the right move. I just wish they worked out a deal with newspaper direct. I use the pressreader to pick up my papers for my old Ipaq 4700 and it includes everything including the pictures and the ads and classifieds.

    It’s too bad it isn’t available for the Iliad. I like that it is available for the Irex digital reader, but for upwards of $700, that device is above my threshold for an e-ink device.

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