image Merry Christmas to everyone observing it!

Whatever your holiday, XMAS or not, tell us about your new e-reading gizmo. Brag. Or if you’re not happy, tell why. “E-reading gizmo” in this case can mean anything you’ll use to display books—iPhones and iPod Touches included.

Speaking of which, just what will you be reading on it?

Image credit: Paul Biba.


  1. Jetbook for ebooks from the newegg sale, HP mini 1000 10″ netbook for travel, refurbished dell axim 51V for .lit files, refurbished palm TX with keyboard for email and reading when I don’t take the netbook, and a newer R4 card for the DS that can take SDHC cards for dsreader.

  2. I love the jetbook. My wife was in for cancer surgery yesterday and I brought it for entertainment at the hospital. I had a 2 gig SD card loaded with .txt files. This was the first time I was able to spend hours on it. No eyestrain, easily readable in low light. Read eight novels, 400 pages+ each, and the battery was only down 1/3. I find it more readable than my Sony 500 that had died one f’ing day after the warranty ran out (and I was expected to pay $300 for repairs!). Despite the fact that my father was one of the driving forces in the early days of e-ink, I still find the LCD screens more readable.

    The use of directories and menues with the jetbook I find far superior to the Sony as I remember….

  3. Exvaxman: Best wishes on the health front!

    Keep us posted on the Jetbook–I’m really glad to hear that the LCD is working out (even without a backlight?).

    More details welcomed! What about the talk that Mobi and ePub are on the way? Will it actually happen? And got any idea of the time frame now mentioned?


  4. If mobi and epub are coming – there is rumor in January for a new firmware release, I’ll let everyone know. But the jetbook is recommended at the $200 price point. I have the origional rocketbook and the RCA follow on (1100). The backlit screen I miss, but the fact that smartmedia is not used and standard SD cards are, as well as a decent directory structure, there isn’t a comparison. For nighttime reading, I still like the Softbook (RCA 1200) but the poor battery life is a pain – I can’t take it on airline flights. (Homeland Security pulled me in a panic once for a couple of extra batteries).

    I *MAY* replace the softbook with a HP tablet device, but it would be as expensive as the origional softbook purchase.

  5. Have a Sony PRS-50. Purchased it 10/4/06, as soon as it was available for sale. Love the Sony! Previously, since January 2001, have used the Sharp Wizard then the Hiebook. Will probably upgrade when Sony makes an ebook with a dictionary look-up and the high quality screen of the PRS-505 (do not care for the PRS-700 screen blur).

    Happy Holidays

  6. The wife got me the Sony PRS-505 for xmas. I never really looked into e-books prior to this. I thought the only real benifit would be for the traveler.

    Once I saw that you could get up to 100 classics for free from the Sony website I was sold. I’ve wanted to read several of these books but never got around to purchasing them.

    I was also concerned about the “Sony only” philosophy the company has used in the past with their video products. It looks like they have opened their e-book readers up to the .epub standards. I’ve downloaded a couple of free .epub books from non-Sony websites….works great.

  7. I recently acquired a JetBook and I am pleased with it thus far. The screen looks great, better than a PRS-700 that one of my co-workers just bought. I am eagerly awaiting the addition of epub and mobi format support. I also was told by Ectaco support that PDF reflow was planned for the future. Only time will tell though.

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