Good Gear Guide posts an IDG News Service report that Nicholas Negroponte, chairman of the One Laptop Per Child initiative, has sent a note congratulating the Indian government on the $35 tablet it announced a few days ago, and has also offered India full access to OLPC hardware and software technology to help in manufacturing it.

I can certainly understand why Negroponte made the offer. The goal of furthering world-wide education with cheap computers works whether we’re talking about a $100 XO tablet, or a $35 device from India.

Still, I can’t help finding it a little amusing that the manufacturers of a (still possibly vaporous) $35 device are being offered help and assistance from someone who hasn’t been able to meet any of his own pricing goals over the last few years, and whose cheapest effort to date will end up costing three times as much.

(Found via Slashdot.)


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