
From the Open Knowledge Foundation Blog:

The JISC funded OpenBib project, of which OKF is a partner, announced last week in collaboration with the British Library the release of 3 million open bibliographic records to the community.

This release represents a milestone fpr open bibliography as it represents the first substantial corpus of bibliographic data to be released in an open form by a national library.

As reported in the announcement post:

We have initially received a dataset consisting of approximately 3 million records, which is now available as a CKAN package. This dataset consists of the entire British National Bibliography, describing new books published in the UK since 1950; this represents about 20% of the total BL catalogue, and we are working to add further releases. In addition, we are developing sample access methods onto the data, which we will post about later this week.

The data has also been loaded into Bibliographica so that it can be searched.

Read the Complete Blog Post (More Info and Several Links)

Via Resource Shelf


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