cover.jpgFrom the email I received: celebrates the release of iOS 4 for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch with a release of our own — the HTML 5-based iPulp eReader.

Like HTML 5 and CSS 3, the iPulp eReader is a work-in-progress. We feel the HTML 5 and CSS 3 give iPulp stories a superior presentation than the current e-book formats. iPulp’s intent is to create a web-based e-reader that has similar functionality to standalone e-book applications. The release of iOS 4 makes the iPad the perfect platform for the iPulp eReader. While iPulp is optimized for the iPad, readers will eventually be able to read iPulp stories in any browser on any platform, be it a desktop computer or a smart phone. The iPulp eReader is currently supported in the latest versions of the following browsers:

IE9 promises to be HTML 5 compliant when it is released sometime in 2011. The iPulp eReader might also run in other browsers.

Each browser implements HTML 5 and CSS 3 in its own way. Pagination and graphic display across pages might vary among browsers and between the desktop and mobile versions of a browser. For the best results across platforms, we recommend using the latest version of Safari. Our e-reader application detects the capabilities of a reader’s browser and directs the reader to a non-HTML 5 e-reader if the browser does not support the iPulp eReader.

Current features include:

paged text
page counting
local font size & font face control
full CSS 3 support within a story
in-story graphics integration
Features such as bookmarks and global preferences will come in future versions of the reader.

Since iPulp is a cloud-based reading service, we can improve the e-reader application without issuing updates and make editorial changes to stories that are instantly applied system wide.

If you are using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, you can access a demo of the iPulp eReader at the following URL:


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