Regular-Vik-Dark-2.gifFrom Shelf Awareness:

Booksellers are marketing Google eBooks in a variety of creative ways, Bookselling This Week reported. For example, among other steps, the Book Bin, Northbrook Ill., is offering loaner Sony Readers, has featured a range of e-readers in a store display and has a large sign in-store announcing that it is selling e-books.

Rainy Day Books, Fairway, Kan., is promoting e-books in a variety of ways and will highlight a handful of e-book titles in its weekly newsletter.

Several booksellers, including the Tattered Cover, Denver, Colo., and Kepler’s, Menlo Park, Calif., are considering or are offering discounts on non-agency model e-book titles. Kepler’s has promoted “aggressive discounts” on five such titles.

(For more on indies and Google eBooks, see Robert Gray’s column below.)


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