
Sony says that their e-readers are selling great in Japan – and in fact the Touch Edition (6″) has almost been sold out. Sony has enough stock of the Pocket Edition (5″) reader. In the US, The Touch Edition costs $229 and the Pocket Edition costs $179.

Sony says that sales at retail book stores have been better than expected (it turns out that they didn’t think they’ll sell well at book stores, but that was not the case).


  1. Now if only they’d release the iPhone & Android apps before the month of December is over. What’s the hold-up?
    Dealing /w Amazon, Sony and Kobo I’d have to say Amazon got it right, still has it right over these others hands down.
    Of all of them Amazon & it’s Kindle store are superb to use and buy from.

  2. I have the Sony Reader 650 Touch edition and I love it. But I think Sony really mis-fired on marketing this device in the US.

    If it’s popular in Japan, does that amount to brand loyalty? I would assume everyone buying this product doesn’t mind downloading books off the computer and syncing the device.

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