iTunesArtwork-150x150.jpgJane at Dear Author has a review of the various ebook reading applications for the iPad.

She takes a look at the pros and cons of iBook, the Kindle app, the Kobo app, Bookshelf LT, ReadMe, and GoodReader. She notes that Fictionwise has no plans to update the eReader app and that the Barnes & Noble app has not been approved by Apple yet.

Take a look.


  1. Thanks for this! It’s a helpful “one stop shop” at a high level of a number of options currently available for the iPad e-reading public. It’s also sobering to note how inept many of the current choices are. The general inability to access your own “non-store” content is a particularly worrying trend. And one that won’t last as non-iPad tablets arrive in volume. And where does that leave iTunes, down the road?

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