Self-Publishing Has Become a Cult (Salon)
What’s funny is, the adherents would have you believe that once you self-publish, the scales will fall from your eyes and you’ll recognize self-publishing as the One True Path. Traditional publishing will reveal itself to be a lost circle of Dante Alighieri’s Hell, full of damaged souls who want to enrich themselves off your work while destroying every shred of your creativity. I call shenanigans.
Digital Magazine Usage Growing Via Tablet Users (Good e-Reader)
Digital Magazine usage is growing with people who have adopted tablets into their lifestyle. Recently a survey polled 1,293 people on how they have adopted digital magazines into their daily reading habits. 26% of the respondents prefer reading on their tablets, rather than the printed variants.
The Painful Realities Behind the Demise of the Chicago Sun-Times Photo Desk (Paid Content)
The Chicago Sun-Times’ decision to lay off its entire staff of 28 photographers was widely criticized as a knee-jerk response by clueless managers, but the fact remains that newspaper cost structures are too high, and crowdsourcing works.
Hachette to Donate Audiobooks to National Service for Blind and Physically Handicapped (The Digital Shift)
Hachette Book Group on May 29 announced plans to provide unabridged audiobook recordings for free to the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), a division of the Library of Congress (LOC). Select backlist and new titles, including new releases, will be available through NLS’s Talking Books program by the end of 2013, according to an announcement from the company.
Kindle Daily Deal: Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran (and others)
Crowd sourcing photos, yes that worked so well on Reddit after the Boston bombings. What this is actually abt is the owners of the Sun-Times trying to break various professions and then supplement with cheaply paid (if at all) photos taken by happenstance.