Galaxy-tab.jpgActually, Thursday evening at 6:30 pm EST. TeleRead’s been invited to attend the “preview” of the Galaxy Tab by Samsung in New York.

I’ll be there and let you know what I find out. I’m really, really interested in getting my hands on this thing.


  1. Neither the iPhone today, nor the iPad, nor the Samsung Galaxy tomorrow “require/will require” a long-term contract. Contracts are traded for cheap thrills upfront — aka hardware subsidy. apple is selling iPhone 4’s unlocked in Canada; iPhone 3GS was sold here by the leading wireless carrier as an outright sale as well. Most people take the cheap route — but it’s hardly a requirement.

    Samsung’s Tab pricing has been confusing — $200 to $300 has been floated; under $495 as well. It’s hard to imagine $495 for a Galaxy S Tab that is only 7″ and not an iSomething; so my bet is the $300ish pricepoint is more or less outright purchase. Unless people are willing to spend an extra $200 to trade the screen real estate of 9.7″ for a cell radio. Maybe.

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