does anybody.jpegReceived the following email. Can anyone help Elihu:

Dear Paul
I’m looking for an epub converter (from wors – that’s what I call word) which does Hebrew.
Can you help or suggest who to ask?
Thank you


  1. Elihu,

    I do not know of an eBook conversion program that will handle Hebrew appropriately. There are too many problems with getting Hebrew to work in reading systems, anyway (for example, ADE does not support it at all). We do some work with Hebrew, but it is limited to the iPad right now.

    Shana tovah,
    Joshua Tallent
    eBook Architects

  2. You could do it the very “old-fashioned” way:

    or the recent old-fashioned way — by hand coding — using a text editor.

    Liz Castro’s new book about EPUB will help you to figure it out.

    If you need a tool (software) to do it, you might contact the developers of the excellent Mellel word processing software (for Mac); their main office is in Tel Aviv:

    Michael Pastore
    50 Benefits of Ebooks
    (new 2010 edition coming soon)

  3. Elihu,
    There is no single software program that will take you all the way from your original MS-Word document to a valid Hebrew ePub file. Especially if this file should work on as many devices and reading software as possible.

    We specialize in creating Hebrew ePub HeBooks and we sell this service. Have a look at for our services.

    You can DIY but it is a lot of work and requires some background. We use all the tools mentioned in the comments above plus open office plus dream-weaver plus sigil plus notepad++ and a good amount of our own software, scripts, batches, processes and service. And after all that, there is still some manual work of correction.
    Good luck and Shana Tova

  4. Dear Elihu,

    ODFToEPub supports Hebrew. After installing the plugin in OpenOffice you can open your MS-Word document and export it as ePub. As others have mentioned, Adobe Digital Editions doesn’t support it, because it doesn’t support the right-to-left writing mode. There is no problem, however, with Stanza, iBooks or the EPUBReader FireFox plugin.

    Best regards,

    Werner Donné
    Pincette bvba

  5. Hi,
    I’m trying to convert PDF to EPUB with hebrew letters.
    I added ‘direction:rtl;’ to .CSS file and it did change the direction of paragraphs but letters are in the wrong direction..
    Any idea how to fix this?

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