free[1] SaveDelete has a list of the 30 best websites to download free books. I’m not familiar with all of the sites it lists, so I’m not entirely sure that all of them are completely legit. But then, you find some unauthorized books even on otherwise completely legit sites like Scribd (which is one of the thirty).

It’s nice to see that even with all the fuss going on about agency pricing and restrictive DRM, there are still so many free books available to anyone with an Internet connection. People from previous centuries would be amazed and thrilled at how easily we can obtain any public-domain book we want, and a number that are still under copyright as well. (Of course, they’d also be saddened by just how few people bother to read those anymore.)


  1. Yeah, this looks like a list for those people to whom “free” means “don’t ask where it came from”. A few legitimate sites, but mainly “sharing” sites. I love the comment from one person that Scribd “also contains some serial keys of many highly demanding softwares”.

  2. , a great site with ebooks in many formats, is the best on that list.

    In my opinion, two bigger and better super-sources for free ebooks are:

    Free Literature (edited by Marc D’Hooghe)

    and my own site:

    Zorba’s Guide to Free Ebooks

    And don’t forget TeleRead’s excellent web page that lists many sources of free ebooks.

    Michael Pastore
    50 Benefits of Ebooks

  3. The major eBookstores (Amazon/B&N/Sony/Kobo & many indie bookstores) also release boatloads of eBooks for free for a limited time. I’ve been posting about them on my blog when I find them, to spread the word. Free books, guilt free, all completely legit.

    The genres are all over the place of course, but it’s a good way of extending your book reading wings to other genres you wouldn’t otherwise touch.

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