chriscatphone.jpgChris Meadows, podcast host and long-time TeleRead writer, was hospitalized following an accident on the way to the doctor.

I don’t have many details beyond word of a broken rib, a black eye and a blackout, but wish Chris a fast recovery at his brother’s place. Publisher’s orders are for Chris not to do Sunday’s scheduled podcast unless he feels absolutely up to it.


  1. Enjoy getting waited on like a king and get well soon.

    Oh, and a suggestion from when I had a terrible bout of sciatica. All I could do was lie on my back in the dark. Any movement hurt, but I could not sleep and the boredom was terrible. I found that listening to light, uncomplicated comedies (i.e. P. G. Wodehouse) were just the thing to get my mind off my misery. Audiobooks are like reading but take far less effort. Librivox is a good source.

    –Mike Perry

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