www.SteveJordanBooks.com, and its author, have undergone an evolution.  Both have moved to www.RightBrane.com/StevenLyleJordan.

As you may have noticed, I am now using my full name, Steven Lyle Jordan, to brand my site and my books, and to avoid being confused with the million-and-six other Steve Jordans out there (more than a few of which are also writers!). This rebranding also extends to the books themselves, which are being rereleased on the new site with all-new covers, and some revised material to flesh out some of the stories. Presently, Verdant Skies and the first of the Kestral Voyages, renamed My Life, After Berserker, are available on the site, as well as most of my original free content. The rest of the original content will be reintroduced as it is repackaged.

I felt the need to do a full redo of the site and content, after numerous discussions with ebook enthusiasts left me wondering about my place in the market at such a volatile and uncertain time for ebooks… my introspection forced me to take my old site down for a time. But after a few months, I “came to my senses,” developed a new battle plan, and got back to work for my customers.

The new site is the beginning of my new approach to displaying and marketing my ebooks, but I have not changed the basic tenets of my sales model: Multiple formats of quality ebooks, at low prices, with No DRM.

Stop by the new site when you get a chance, and keep track of my progress on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/stevenlylejordan).


  1. I’m glad to see you back online. I’ve admired (been envious of) your web design and clean clear presentation of your products. I popped by the old site a while ago and saw that it was gone and thought “Oh no!” I wish you much success with Rightbrane.com

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