10-1.PNGToo early in the morning for me to get in from New Jersey, but his looks as if it would be worthwhile. Discussing e-rights and how they may be exploited will be:

Paul Aiken, Executive Director, Authors Guild; Neil de Young, Executive Director, Hachette Digital; Lloyd Jassin, copyright lawyer; and Scott Waxman, Waxman Literary Agency.

It will be held on Tuesday, September 28, at Random House, 1745 Broadway, in the Cafe Auditorium, from 8:30am to 10:30am. You can register online here.


  1. I hope that seminars like this for writers will also include elements on marketing practices and creating a successful relationship with their readers. Exploiting copyright to it’s nth degree is what is alienating so many reader, is driving this DRM insanity and feeding the torrent sites. It would be nice to think that someone is guiding writers to a more enlightened place.

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