canvas.pngAccording to DigiTimes, HTC will be launching an Android tablet soon that looks forward to the next generation of technology.

Reader Frode Aleksandersen sent me the following analysis:

Of particular note this time is that the Tegra 2 is based on a Cortex A9 dual core cpu, which alone should be a lot faster than the current single core A8 crop. In addition the GPU core should also be faster that what we’ve seen so far. Add to that the resolution, and you have an Android 3.0 tablet. This could be the first 2nd generation Android tablet that’s actually worth buying.

For reference, the A4 chip used in the iPhone 4 and iPad uses a single-core Cortex A8 cpu hows-evolutionary-design.ars . While there was some confusion at first, with people believing it to have an A9, it’s still the old cpu core design, with quite a bit of custom tailoring for graphics etc.


  1. Please note that “soon” in this case could be anywhere from in a couple of months to half a year ahead. HTC’s only booked production capacity for now – they’ll be doing test production runs at first before they move on to full mass production. Though it would be nice if it was released in time for the holidays, I don’t think they’ll be making that kind of schedule. They’ll also want Android 3.0 ready to go, so most likely we’re looking at Q1 2011 for the device to be on sale.

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