
From a Portico Press Release:  Portico and OUP announced they have entered into an agreement to preserve the OUP’s entire collection of e-books from its Oxford Scholarship Online resource and Handbooks Online resource. With this agreement, OUP expands its relationship with Portico, which began in 2006 with the publisher’s commitment to deposit its entire list of e-journals in the Portico archive.

Oxford Scholarship Online is OUP’s cross-searchable digital library of over 4,400 full-text books in academic disciplines such as history, classical studies, religion, political science, business, literature, and mathematics. Oxford Handbooks Online is an online resource of the prestigious Oxford handbooks series, available as a collection of four subject modules.

Since 2005, the number of titles and types of content preserved in Portico has grown significantly. To date, over 12,000 e-journals, 70,000 e-books, and 39 digitized historical collections have been entrusted to the Portico archive. For a complete list of Portico-related facts and figures, please visit Portico’s Archive Facts & Figures. The complete list of titles and participating publishers is available at

For additional information on Portico’s preservation services, please contact

For additional information about Oxford University Press and their online publishing program, contact

Via Sue Polanka’s No Shelf Required blog


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