IndexFrom the press release:

Drumlin Security ( ) today announced the launch of its new “Click and Go” PDF publishing solution – with free software, no requirement for onsite DRM infrastructure and free or very low per book cost authorization.

The service includes the free Drumlin PDF reader/publisher, coupled with Drumlin’s digital rights management (DRM) service and new “Click and Go” software. The “Click and Go” solution encapsulates the PDF and a fast PDF reader into a single file that the end user just clicks to run – with no need for software installation or registration.For book publishers there is no need for special software on your website and the DRM facility can be easily integrated into any eCommerce/shopping cart facility with little or no extra work.

The Drumlin software and service ensures that PDF versions of documents such as books, technical manuals, courseware, subscription newsletters and similar materials can be distributed with complete safety. The fully secured version of PDFs created using the Drumlin software can be placed on a web site, CD or emailed to a user or customer without concern that they might be intercepted, read, decrypted or copied.

The “publisher” facility in the Drumlin PDF reader/publisher strongly encrypts conventional PDF files with the option to ensure that they can only be read once they have been authorized. Even then, these files can only be opened on the individual PC on which they have been authorized – such files cannot be copied and read elsewhere. Drumlin’s publisher facility enables many controls to be applied to such documents, such as setting start and end dates for viewing; enabling or disabling printing; screen capture protection; and intelligent watermarking.

The “authorization” facility within the Drumlin PDF reader enables the recipient of a secured PDF to open the document. They enter an alphanumeric authorization code supplied to them by the publisher of the secured PDF, which is checked against the records on the central Drumlin DRM service. If all is OK the user can view and optionally print this file according to the settings the publisher has made.


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