10.pngThere’s a new free ereader out for the iPhone. It’s Ouiivo. If you look at the screenshots on their site is certainly seems to be interesting. They say it supports Epub and that it is “compatible with OPDS sources”.

If anyone tries it please let us know how you like it.


  1. It is a bit puzzling – I can’t work out how to turn pages. Tapping on the right side of the page advances a chapter. Perhaps you have to use 2 finger scroll?

    At the moment you can load books from Feedbooks only. There are fairly comprehensive controls for formatting, font selection etc. Certainly one to watch.

  2. There aren’t pages as you find in other readers. You scroll the page by dragging, much as you would in a web browser. I’m not a big fan of “pages” on such a small screen, and the scrolling is especially nice when the book contains a few images.

    The program is a little bit clunky, but the interface is unique in my experience and I like it. I wonder how committed the developers are to continuing support. (The current reader is apparently 1.5 and was released only a couple of days ago.)

  3. The controls for managing fonts and layout are great.

    I prefer pages instead of scrolling, but that requires a proper page cutting algorithm, which doesn’t seem to be common yet.

    The search feature is very nice.

    There is no way to add new OPDS-sources, at least I didn’t find how. This is important if support for OPDS is to be taken seriously.

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