Some of our topics are generating a lot of comments. Please be aware that comments from anyone posting for the first time are held for approval – a spam prevention measure. After your first comment is approved then all your future comments will go up immediately.

While we try to approve comments as soon as possible, it may take several hours for this to happen. Don’t worry, your comment will go up when we can get to it.

By the way, the spam filter has been pretty active today in catching legitimate comments. If you are caught we’ll see that you are pulled out of the bin.


  1. I use disqus on some UK newspaper online sites It is fairly good. But a system that allows text styling and previews as well as editing by the original commentor would be a lot better.
    Maybe when the forum system comes we can look forward to that ? 🙂 and a better captcha ………

    • You know, it’s entirely possible to style your text simply by using HTML codes for things like italic and bold.

      As for previews…hmm. We used to have a preview-as-you-type function in the old style, but it seems to have gone by the wayside in the new one. I wonder if it can be added back.

The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail