ces2008 I’ve been slogging around CES since Saturday night and will be leaving on Friday. My main task is to cover GPS stuff for the gpspassion Web site I’ve been associated with for the last five years.  However, I’ve been keeping an eye out for anything to do with e-books.

And do you want to know something? There is nothing for my kept-out eye to light upon.  No mention of e-books anywhere and no displays from any manufacturers or would-be manufacturers.  When I talked to a number of UMPC manufacturers about e-books all I got was blank stares. What the hell are ebooks?  Really, it’s true. 

I went through the Sony booth this afternoon—given its size that is a major undertaking—and didn’t even see the Sony Reader on display.  From a GPS standpoint CES is a treasure trove.  From an e-book standpoint CES is a black hole. [Update from moderator: Thanks to our readers for calling attention to a tall mock-up of a Sony PRS-505. In fact, it’s so big I can see how Paul might not have noticed from close up. We’ve updated the headline. – D.R.]

I do have to say, however, that if you are a geek CES is one hell of a place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Related: What’s going on with Sony and its reader?, by Mike Cane, who wishes Sony would do more to get behind the machine.


  1. I’ve got a picture of the E Ink CEO Russ Wilcox standing next to a person sized mock up of the PRS-505… not sure where it is in the show, but it seems like it must be at the Sony booth? I’ll send you the pic if you tell me where to send it.

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