paulbiba Nothing to do with e-books, but this was, to me, such a scary thing that I just had to report it.

A bit of background.  I’m a lawyer with an expertise in international transactions. Over the years I’ve worked in 48 countries (yes, I have actually counted them).  One of the things I have been paranoid about, even in the U.S., is lo.sing my ID.

This afternoon I got out of a cab at the South Hall at CES and found this wallet on the ground. It was black and thick. I opened it and saw a lot of cash and at least 5 or 6 credit cards. The cards were in Japanese or Chinese characters. I looked through the wallet to try to find a number to call, but all the stuff was in Japanese or Chinese. All I could to was give it to a local cop who was standing nearby.

Can you imagine this poor man, and it was a man’s wallet, finding out that he had nothing in his pocket, not even cash to get a cab back to the hotel. On top of this, many of the CES visitors have marginal English. Could he even know how to ask someone to find his wallet?

Bottom line—be careful and don’t keep your wallet in your back pocket. One frustrating thing, I’ll never find out the end of the story.


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