humble bundleDo you enjoy post-apocalyptic books, like Wool by Hugh Howey? Or Damnation Alley by Roger Zelazney? How about a bundle which includes audiobooks, comics and a game?

Humble Bundle has outdone themselves with their latest offering. There’s something for everyone, with both classic sci-fi works and more recent ones. Comics and even a couple of issues of Lightspeed Magazine, one of which includes a story by George R.R. Martin. Here’s the complete list, from the release:

Customers can name their price for Lightspeed Magazine, July 2010Lightspeed Magazine; March 2013; A Gift Upon the ShoreWasteland Vol. 1: Cities In DustAfter the End: Recent ApocalypsesGather, Darkness!Wool – Omnibus Edition (Audiobook); and Defiance (Game).

Those who pay more than the average price will also receive FuturelandAfter the Fall, Before the Fall, During the FallThe Massive Vol. 1: Black PacificDaybreakThe Wild Shore; and Damnation Alley.

Customers who pay $15 or more will receive all of the above plus The End is NighParable of the Sower; and The Strain Vol. 1.

As of this writing, the average price is $7.82, so it won’t cost you much to get all of that.

Who’s buying?


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