
From The Bookseller:

Vintage Publishing has published backlist titles by bestselling Japanese author Haruki Murakami as e-books for the first time, ahead of the simultaneous publication of his latest work,1Q84, into hardback and e-book later this month.

The e-books will be available from later today (10th October) across the UK, EU and Commonwealth, excluding Canada, through all e-book outlets. However, at time of publication, the e-books had yet to go on sale on either Apple or Amazon’s Kindle store.

The e-book titles are: After DarkBlind Willow, Sleeping WomanWhat I Talk About When I Talk About RunningA Wild Sheep ChaseAfter the QuakeDance Dance DanceHard- boiled Wonderland and the End of the World;Sputnik SweetheartThe Elephant VanishesUndergroundThe Wind-up Bird ChronicleNorwegian WoodKafka on the Shore, and South of the Border, West of the Sun.


  1. I’m assuming they are referring to availability in the non-US iBookstore because a large number of his backlist titles are in the US iBookstore, unless they just assumed and haven’t checked recently. Or something like that.

    Can’t speak to their appearance in the Kindle store.

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