
Over the years we’ve gotten a number of questions about where to find Hebrew ebooks.  Well, I just got a press release from Jewishebooks and they carry ebooks in Hebrew.  From the release:

With the first-of-its-kind groundbreaking launching of www.Jewish-e-books.com, now Jewish readers or anyone looking for Jewish books worldwide can become part of the e-book revolution.

Premiered in 2010 by lecturer-turned-entrepreneur Yossi Levy, Jewish E-Books is building the world’s largest Jewish digital library, featuring hundreds of popular Jewish books by leading publishers in both Hebrew and English, with more languages to come.

A former inspirational speaker who was recently profiled in Forbes Magazine’s Hebrew edition, CEO Levy had a dream. Diving into an exploding e-reading market, he aimed to provide Jews and non-Jews even in far-flung locations with an instant smorgasbord of Jewish books at their fingertips. To make that happen, he’s launched with Adobe’s DRM and EPub, ensuring that Jewish E-Book readers could enjoy a state-of-the-art reading experience on any of the most popular devices: iPads, iPhones, iPods, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, Alex, as well as PC’s, laptops, and more.


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