ScreenClip(29)Google has added a feature to let people share links to Google Books e-books on their Google+ social network circles. The feature can be used either by clicking a link on the e-book’s “About the Book” page, or by pasting the Google Books URL into the Google+ Share box.

The book doesn’t have to be a public-domain title, either. Any book that’s listed in Google Books, whether the text is available or not, can be shared. This could be a handy way to share information on one’s favorite books, whether or not they’re available to read online.

(Found via GalleyCat.)


  1. Is there any way I can share a Google eBook with my wife without having to give her my phone for every book I want to share with her or does she have to purchase the book itself? I would never buy two of the same paperback books – we would just hand it over to the other when finished. While eBooks are generally cheaper than hard-copy books if one has to purchase several copies for it to be shared around the family. Even iTunes allows you to play restricted music on up to 5 devices.

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