iphone6Check out the Techmeme roundup. Are any e-book software developers game to follow up on the latest jailbreak within the iPhone platform? Or is everyone just waiting for the official Software Developers Kit? Until then I’m not expecting that much action on the iPhone app front, but you never know.

Related: iPhone/iPod Touch will have the greatest apps evah, from Mike Cane, who also ran a fascinating little tidbit called The Secret History of the PDA? “Well, it turns out this Klausner guy actually had something akin to an electronic organizer before anyone else!”

And also of interest: Reports that iPhones are piling up at AT&T stores, amid waning demand. Hmm. Kindle parallel here? Aside from user hatred of AT&T gotchas, the world has just so many early adopters. Still, I think both products will do fine in the long run.

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