SartreJean Noel Jeanneney, president of France’s National Library, fears that Google Print will favor U.S. books–the reason France wants a Euro library. Not enough Sartre, eh? A Google rep, surprise, disagrees.

Actually it’s clear that Jeanneney is far from calling for the destruction of Google, and I’m sure that Google feels the same about the BnF. May full peace soon be at hand–complete with a common multilingual e-book format!

Minus the OpenReader part, which we hope will make public radio in time, you can hear it all via MP3 on the latest podcast of the On the Media radio program.

English usage department: On the Media’s headline: “Who’s Books? Our Books!” Huh? Is something escaping me or the copy editor? If it’s the copy editor, that’ll make me feel better, given all the barbarities in the TeleBlog and others of its kind.


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