That’s the title of an article in Comic Book Resources:

Marvel easily stole the digital thunder this week with their announcement of the digital-only Marvel Infinite Comics line and their Marvel AR augmented-reality app at SXSW. DC saw not one but two issues of their relaunched “Justice League” make the digital top ten, alongside their digital-first “Justice League Beyond.” And Digital Manga had a bad week — their account has been suspended from the Kindle Store, apparently because the yaoi manga they publish is too hot for the Kindle, although the store continues to carry plenty of steamy content from other publishers.



Innovations: Marvel promised a big announcement at this year’s SXSW conference, and the publisher came across with two: A new line of direct-to-digital comics and a “augmented reality” app that provides electronic extras to readers of print comics. Both will tie in to the upcoming “Avengers vs. X-Men” event. The direct-to-digital line, Infinite Comics, will be available via Marvel’s comiXology app and will launch with a story by Mark Waid and Stuart Immonen. “This is comics storytelling like you’ve never seen before — not print comics, but also not animation,” said Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso. “Familiar comic conventions — like word balloons, caption and panel borders — still exist, and the reader still controls the pacing of the reading experience, just like he would if he were turning a page. But this new canvas allows for a sense of motion not available to the printed page.” Marvel AR, the augmented reality app, on the other hand, is directly targeted toward print comic readers who obtain the app from the cover of a comic (starting with “Avengers vx. X-Men #1”) and get additional story content by aiming their mobile device at certain images in the comic.

Much more in the article.



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