continental divide.jpgMartyn Daniels has an article with the above title on his blog and opens with a quote from Wired executive editor Kevin Kelly that is as true today as it was 10 years ago when he said it. Martyn goes on to say:

The companies who should have made the digital transition and who had something to offer have often lost the digital way or struggled. was going to crush Amazon but didn’t understand global branding. B&N was going to be the internet bricks and mortar and learnt that teaming up with Amazon wasn’t the best strategy. BCA failed to understand what it had and what it didn’t have and lost the perfect digital launch pad. HarperCollins thought they had a brand and ‘Fire and Water’ would be a no brainer to the readers. Encyclopaedia Britannica thought that their brand was untouchable. The lessons are many and often hard ones.


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