paris27fo2_jpg_507863gm-a.jpg Is the title of an article in the Globe and Mail about the small Paris booksellers, especially those in the Latin Quarter. In order to ensure their survival there is now a government agency that will buy the real estate and rent the space to bookstores at a reasonable rate.

Ms. Grandjean, who opened Courant d’Art in the late 1970s after abandoning her dream of being a flamenco dancer, is one of the first to benefit from the project. Last year, she decided she needed cash to help care for her elderly mother. But she feared that if she sold the store, a new landlord would ultimately convert it into a high-rent boutique. Instead, the city bought the shop and now rents it back to her at a below-market rate.

More important, in her eyes and that of the city, the terms of the sale specified that the space will never be used for anything other than a bookstore, no matter who leases it.

(via Beattie’s Book Blog)


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