Received an email from the author about this book. I haven’t had time to download it myself, but take a look. I’m a little bit skeptical because the writer is from Warsaw and his English isn’t the best. However, good or bad, the main point is that the iPhone is sparking new ebooks and perhaps a new ebook subculture. Here’s a quote from the email:

Nick Name’s “Password Incorrect” is a selection of short stories addressed especially for iPhone users. The book was designed to be downloaded for free to iPhone, which among its many other features seems to be also a great e-book reader. Opposite to devices specifically designed for e-book reading, which still look inattractive and suffer early stage problems, iPhone with it’s large color screen, smooth interface and milions of users around the world has the real power of rediscovering the pleasure of reading books – so that we could hear a louder “bye, bye” to paper.

Choose one of download options:
A. Open Stanza in your iPhone, go to “Online Catalog”, select “Free Books by Feedbooks”, and then search for the book by name or title.
B. You can download the book directly, by opening Safari in your iPhone and tapping a link below:
Stanza will automatically open itself and download the book.


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