This one’s pretty specific. If you have a Nokia Lumia Windows 8 phone and are a user of Zinio, you can get $50 worth of free magazines.
All this is in celebration of Zinio partnering with Nokia to release an exclusive app for the Nokia Lumia phone. By exclusive, they mean that the Lumia is the only Windows 8 phone that can run the app. Zinio is available on other platforms, including iOS and Android.
More details in the press release. According to an earlier release, the app is optimized for the smartphone environment and takes advantage of the Windows 8 smart tiles.
Now for the offer:
You can redeem it by going here. However, it seems that you have to redeem it from an actual Lumia phone. I tried it on my computer, and though I got what seemed to be a valid code, when I tried to redeem it, I got an error message. If anyone has a Lumia phone, please test it out and report back.
While this seems like a good deal for Nokia, I’m not a big fan of exclusive arrangements like this. I’m a believer in making content and devices as open as possible. Fortunately, Zinio is available for many different platforms, so if you want to use them for magazines, you’ve got plenty of options.