
From Campus Technology.  More details in the article.

Wake Forest University and Odigia have partnered to create BioBook, a digital alternative to college-level biology textbooks.

The tool, funded by a $249,000 grant from the Next Generation Learning Challenge, was built by an interdisciplinary team including Wake Forest’s Associate Professor of Physics Jed Macosko, Assistant Professor of Education Kristin Redington Bennett, Senior Lecturer in Biology Dan Johnson, and Odigia employees.

BioBook, designed to work for students with a variety of learning styles and to increase engagement among students with learning disabilities, is “organized into interconnected nodes that contain all of the baseline information a textbook would include, but also supplemental material and self-assessments to enhance the learning experience,” according to information released by Odigia.

Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


  1. Is this an application or an EPUB document? If it’s an app, is it platform specific or will there be multiple versions. That question isn’t answered here or in the original CT article. If it’s an EPUB, doesn’t this interactivity confine its use to the iBooks app?

  2. This seems to be the description you are looking for:

    From here :

    Wake Forest University

    Allen Daniel Johnson

    Scaleable cloud-based, shared authoring and assessment manager that outperforms traditional textbooks with a more robust learning format and lower cost

    Students learn & understand more when they have specific learning goals for reading, can frequently test their understanding in meaningful ways, can anchor new information to what they already know, and can choose their learning path. BioBook is the first eText that helps students do all of this. BioBook is cloud-based, and accessible from any device with an HTML5-compliant browser. Its node-based framework lets teachers choose and update what content, multimedia, and self-assessments their students experience. We are evaluating BioBook’s impact at a 4-year private university, small women’s college, historical black state university, and community college. Back to top

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