Title: The Evolution of E-books and Interlibrary Loan in Academic Libraries

Author: Heather Wicht (U. of Colorado)

Source: Collaborative Librarianship (3.4, 2011)


As academic libraries add electronic monographs (e-books) to their collections in increasing numbers, they are frequently losing the ability to lend this portion of their collections via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) due to licensing restrictions. Recently, new options have emerged as alternatives to traditional ILL for e- books. These options introduce new opportunities for collaboration across library departments and with- in consortia. This article discusses the changing nature of resource sharing as related to e-books, ex- amines e-book lending capabilities as they currently exist, and presents alternative models to traditional ILL, including short-term lending, purchase on demand and print on demand.

Direct to Full Text Article (7 pages; PDF)

See Also: Patron-Driven Acquisition – Working Collaboratively in a Consortial Environment: An Interview with Greg Doyle (4 pages; PDF)

Authors: Greg Doyle, Cory Tucker

Source: Collaborative Librarianship (3.4, 2011)


Patron-driven acquisition models for electronic and print books have become extremely popular in the past two years and in most cases this service has been implemented at many individual libraries. One unique collaborative model of patron-driven acquisition was created by the Orbis Cascade Alliance through a partnership with Ebook Library (EBL) and Yankee Book Peddler (YBP). This unique project is an example of libraries, consortia, and vendors working together to develop new business models during times of financial constraint, where libraries and consortia are exploring various “just-in-time” acquisi- tion models. Collaborative Librarianship spoke with Greg Doyle about the project at Orbis Cascade.

[Via INFOdocket]


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