Morning Roundup

Is Ebook Revenue Growth Stalling Out? (Digital Book World)
Ebook revenue gains continue to slow this year. The latest numbers from the Association of American Publishers reveal that ebook revenue was up only 0.7% to $130.2 million in January.

Digital Mags Can be More Local, and More Global Than in Print World (Media Shift)
Today your location still matters — except when it doesn’t. New digital magazine apps let you unlock new magazine experiences by being in the right place at the right time, or subscribe to global publications without regard to national borders. These apps’ creators want to free magazine readers from geographic constraints, customize their reading experiences, and revitalize public reading with digital tools.

Are University Presses Better Off Now Than They Were Four Years Ago? (Scholarly Kitchen)
Putting aside the question of who made those promises and how they proposed to hold themselves accountable for their fulfillment, Lynch’s comments lead me to wonder if the advent of ebooks has been a good or bad thing for university press publishing, a segment for which I have long had a special interest.

The Struggle to Make a Living (An American Editor)
It doesn’t matter the forum. Wherever editors gather, there are two groups of editors: those making a living from their editing work and those struggling to do so. By making a living, I mean earning enough to give the editor the life the editor wants.

Kindle Daily Deals: In Broad Daylight by Seth Harwood (and 3 others)


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