Digital Magazine Advertising to hit 3.8 billion by 2017 (Good e-Reader)Morning Roundup
Magazine companies have been one of the most successful segments of publishing to take advantage of the digital space. Very early on they have been able to leverage their strong brands across a wide spectrum, including paywalls, dedicated apps, and inclusion into Zinio. Advertisers are increasingly spending more money on digital properties, and by 2017 analysts expect almost 3.8 billion dollars will be spent.

Don’t Make a Costly Mistake: Know Apple’s In-App Purchasing Rules (GigaOM)
Did you know that you can lose points, virtual weapons, virtual currencies and other items you’ve bought in an app or game if you buy a new iPhone or even back up and restore your device?

Book Industry: Stop Moaning and Be Creative (Future Book)
The fact is, if you don’t want to remain in the industry now that’s fine, and if you do, you are going to have to deal with it.

eBook Raises Funds for Afghan Women’s Writing Project (GalleyCat)
Afghan Women’s Writing Project (AWWP) founder Masha Hamilton has found a way to support her organization and her new novel. For every digital book copy of What Changes Everything sold, Unbridled Books will donate $1 to her nonprofit.

Kindle Daily Deals: Damage Control by Denise Hamilton (and 3 others)


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