ads.jpgThe Financial Times is reporting that its own iPad app will be first released in Europe and then in the US in late April. The first two months of free access will be sponsored by watchmaker Hublot, and thereafter it will cost the same as the FT website.

Time has signed up six advertisers, each paying about $200,000 each and the WSJ has six, each paying about $400,000 each. FedEx will have ads appearing in the WSJ, Newsweek and Thomson Reuters. The Thomson Reuters app will be free and FedEx will be the exclusive advertiser until July.


  1. If I where to buy an iPad I would not waste time on these edition specific apps. Just get a PressDisplay account for all your newspapers and a Zinio account for all your magazines. Both already have iPhone and iPod Touch apps and are bound to release an iPad app. In fact Zinio is already advertising that its iPad app will be ready at the iPad launch. I use these two sites and they are great. Especially PressDisplay since a subscription here lets you get which ever paper you want. You can read WSJ-Europe today and the Guardian tomorrow on the same subscription. Why clutter your credit card and iPad with with multiple apps and subscriptions. I think these guys are the best one stop shops.

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