images.jpegAl DiGuido, who used to run Computer Shopper and who is now CEO of Zeta Interactive, thinks they can do it if a number of qualifications are met. In an article in Advertising Age, he says this is possible if prices come down and publishers take advantage of technology to provide advertisers with the proper analytics.

Imagine the wealth of real-time information publishers could provide their advertisers on reader engagement with their brand — what ads did readers view, for how long, what action did they take, what did they buy, what product categories are they interested in, what sections of the magazine perform best for individual customer segments, what creative resonates with different segments, within which editorial sections, etc., etc. Advertisers could not only easily understand the true value of their dollars spent and clear ROI, but could leverage such analytics to better target different audiences and deliver more relevant, customized information to drive even better results over time.

The deeper we can document reader engagement in this new publishing paradigm, the better chance we have in crafting rate programs to that are commensurate to this level of reader engagement. …

(via Resource Shelf)


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