
The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) Annual Members Meeting took place on Friday in New York City. Here are a few updated stats that were presented by Kelly Gallagher, vp of publishing services for Bowker.

From Publisher’s Weekly:

In August, e-books accounted for 5.8% of all unit sales compared to 2.8% at the beginning of 2010. The percentage of consumers likely to by an e-book in August was 16%, up from 13% in January, while figures in August showed that women now accounted for 68% of Kindle purchases.

Access the Complete PW Article

See Also: In this tweet from the BISG conference, Skip Prichard, the CEO of Ingram tells the audience that for every 100 hardcover books sells, they sell 143 e-books. Prichard also said that print will go on. He asks the audience, “Do you remember how email was going to create a paperless society?”

Via Resource Shelf


  1. I hate to disappoint .. but I do some work for a couple of companies that print out almost all of their emails. They are both contract engineering and hitec construction businesses. All contracts have about 10 – 15 big 4 ring folders each, and all relevant emails to each part of the contract (commercial, construction, technical etc.) get printed and filed in date order as a record…. paper paper everywhere ….

  2. In a large university (Iowa) student population (spring 2010) 15 pages of print were generated for every hour of terminal use, almost half of that e-book (legacy). pages.

    This figure is rising as is the trend to IT lab purchase of industrial printers.

    This back side of e-book use is invisible as is any whole text print out by end users.

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