Screen shot 2010-04-05 at 5.12.39 PM.pngI don’t know whether this is any good, but I’m going to download it after I finish doing this post. It’s released by Spreadsong, Inc. and includes works by Edgar Rice Burroughs, H. G. Wells, Jules Verne, Stanley Weinbaum, Jack London, E.M. Forster, Arthur Conan Doyle and Mary W. Shelly, among others.

According to the App Store blurb the reader has automatic bookmarking. Internet access is required to download the books, but after than they remain on your machine.

Thanks to Erin Biba for the heads up.



    There Ain’t No Such Thing As A FreE-book

    Books take TIME to read regardless off the price. Verne and Well both had tales of going to the Moon but neither was how it was actually done. Sci-fi from before 1945 is historically interesting very unrealistic.

    The neutron was nod discovered until 1932. That made the A-Bomb possible. WWII changed how the world works. ENIAC was developed for artillery ballistics and became operational in 1945.

    Now von Neumann machines are EVERYWHERE!

    But not in sci-fi from before 1945.

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