olpcwayan2 My guess is that the XO is probably moving well, judging from an order-taker’s comments yesterday. But the sharp-eyed Pond, a TeleBlog regular, has noted that the “Days left” number on the OLPC server was wrong and could not serve as a measure of sales. Thanks, Pond! I love it when people follow up to see if information is still current.

Related: OLPC News Washington, D.C., Meetup on Wednesday Nov. 13., in the unofficial OLPC News—plus an interesting YouTube video introducing the interface and other basics.

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  1. You can be “Pond” if you want, Wayan 😉

    Actually Pond prefers a pen name; but that’s cool with me, given his many useful contributions to discussions here.

    Who knows? Maybe he’s Company and is preparing to TWEP you.

    He’s my favorite kind of reader, an outspoken accuracy fiend. I see the blog as a collaboration with readers, with the goal being to arrive at the truth as opposed to appearing to be always right.

    I hope the same spirit prevails in the many-to-many communications that OLPC will help foster.

    See you Wednesday, Wayan. 🙂 With luck you’ll get good comparison photos of the Sony Reader screen and the OLPC machine.


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