steepcov.jpgOur regular contributor, Steve Jordan, usually known for his science fiction books, has taken a leap into a new area and has just published a drm-free ebook about the history of ebooks. Here’s the blurb from his site, where it is available for $4.00:

This book sheds light on a perfect storm of publishers, corporations, professionals, amateurs, dogmas, movements and beliefs, all of which worked either unintentionally or deliberately to forestall the coming of the e-book for over two decades. And it details which of these elements is still going strong and continuing to hold back e-books. At last, you’ll learn how badly e-books have had the cards stacked against them, and why.

This is a book on interpretations and personal observations of the e-book industry, from years of walking parallel with the industry before actually becoming a part of it.

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  1. Stevee,
    I would love to get my hands on this ebook of yours, but i dont have credit card. May i send you cash via snailmail to your address in USa and once you get the cash, then send me a pdf or something that i can read on my computer since i do not have a reading device yet, don’t even own a computer, use the local email cafe near my home for all my “work” — even this note to you. Can do? what is your snailmail address for sending regular PO lettters to? Can you say here or email me at my gmail address, you know it. — thanks — Danny

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