Here are the AAP/IDPF figures for October. Note that they may actually be twice as high, or more, because data is taken from a fairly limited sample and retail dollar figures may be as much as double due to discounting.

Quarters 2002 through Q3 2009

Quarters Revenues Quarters Revenues
Q1 02 $1,556,499 Q1 06 $4,100,000
Q2 02 $1,258,989 Q2 06 $4,000,000
Q3 02 $1,329,548 Q3 06 $4,900,000
Q4 02 $1,649,144 Q4 06 $7,000,000
Q1 03 $1,794,544 Q1 07 $7,500,000
Q2 03 $1,842,502 Q2 07 $8,100,000
Q3 03 $1,789,455 Q3 07 $8,000,000
Q4 03 $1,917,384 Q4 07 $8,200,000
Q1 04 $1,794,130 Q1 08 $11,200,000
Q2 04 $1,887,900 Q2 08 $11,600,000
Q3 04 $2,460,343 Q3 08 $13,900,000
Q4 04 $3,477,130 Q4 08 $16,800,000
Q1 05 $3,161,049 Q1 09 $25,800,000
Q2 05 $3,182,499 Q2 09 $37,600,000
Q3 05 $2,310,291 Q3 09 $46,500,000
Q4 05 $2,175,131 October 2009 $18,500,000

Note that the October figures, alone, are more than the entire third or fourth quarter of 2008.


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