support.jpgThe firmware upgrade released on Sunday raised the question in my mind about what support resources were available outside of Amazon. Here are a couple you might want to consider:

A Kindle World blog: This blog will explore the capabilities of this device with its immediate access to the entire global Net, through its 24/7 wireless feature. There will be ongoing tutorials and guides for little-known features and latest information on the Kindle and its competitors. Questions are welcome.

Amazon Kindle Community Forum: run by Amazon its a very active forum and a good place to ask questions and get answers.

Kindle Boards forum: another active forum community.

MobileRead’s Amazon Kindle forum


  1. The few times I’ve needed anything I’ve found a quick search of Mobile Read usually answered the question.

    I did have to call Kindle Support once and found them to be friendly, helpful and pleasant. A surprise from my general dealings with support folks. I should note Sony support was just as good when I had a problem with my 505. Come to that Bookeen support was great when my Opus developed dead pixels (although that was by email, not phone).

  2. what number do you call for Kindle support? I called them initially (with excellent help) based on an number provided in the Kindle help – but now my Kindle has a blank screen (other than a sign showing the battery to be fully charged) despite all sorts of manipulations of buttons over the past week.

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