
That’s the title of an article in Publishing Perspectives:

Yes, Paris has done its utmost to maintain and sustain its 20th-century book culture. City Hall has ordered the Seine-side bouquinistes to stop selling trinkets, publishers continue to be wary of agents, and French e-book adoption is slow — even though retailers are eager to capitalize on consumer curiosity.

French publishing is dominated by Paris and the old world ways therein. And despite — or perhaps in spite — of a growing and vocal youth movement advocating digital adoption, things are changing at the slowest . . . possible . . . pace.

The government just raised the tax rate on books from 5.5% to 7% (as of January 1, 2012). Will the tide turn towards digital, which promises lower price points and convenience? Perhaps, but only if they have e-books to read on their shiny new Kobo Touch readers, iPads and other devices.

More in the article.


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