Weekend Roundup

BookExpo America Report: TED Comes to Town (Vulture)
There’s no better place than an industry convention for jargon verging on self-parody, and so it makes sense that Book Expo America, which wrapped yesterday at the Javits Center, was where I first heard the term “artisanal publishing.”

Independent booksellers see growth as industry gathers for BookExpo America (The Oregonian)
After decades of decline, independent bookselling has become a growth industry.

Movies juice up Book Expo (New York Post)
More than ever, publishers realize movie-ties can propel authors and their books into a whole new orbit.

Penguin Dabbles in Book Retail with Penguin Book Truck and Pushcart (DBW)
Penguin has launched a mobile bookstore division in the form of the Penguin Book Truck and the Penguin Book Pushcart, both of which [debuted] at Book Expo America this week in New York.

Kindle Daily DealDiscretion by Allison Leotta (and 3 others)


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