I think this post on Wattpad capsulizes a lot of what is going on with the changing book world:

Featuring a guest post from AphroditeKid, a writer and reader on Wattpad:

AphroditeKid from Wattpad here!

I just want to share a little something I realized earlier today, and that’s: Wattpad is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Why? Well, on Wattpad, there are readers like me. There are writers like me. There are artists like me. And, in general, people like me.

Let’s start with that first one. Readers. On Wattpad, I’ve found so many stories that I absolutely fell in love with. Many of them good enough to be published in paperback! I’ve always loved adventure stories, with a little hint of fantasy here and there, but this is where Wattpad comes in. Ever since I came on Wattpad, my love for genres has been expanded. Now I find myself lingering to genres like Historical Fiction and even Romance! Which is, honestly, a shock for me. So, for a reader: Wattpad really opens your eyes!

Let’s go to as a writer. I write my own books, but I never got the chance to share them with anybody. Imagine how glad I felt when I learned a handful of people like my work and want me to write more. Imagine how motivated I was! I mean, I’d barely write once a week before I came on Wattpad, but with all the support, it’s been so amazing. And not only the support; it’s all the constructive criticism I get. Each and every comment has made me want to try harder, and I’m sure I can say the same for many, many aspiring writers out there! So to a writer: Wattpad is a source of motivation and most definitely a source of improvement.

And as an artist? Well, I’ve always been one for art. I love pictures, photography, editing and the like. I was so blown away by how everything on Wattpad seems so professional! I saw book covers good enough to be on the front of book stores, trailers good enough to be seen in movie theatres. That, in turn, makes me want to try hard as well and make beauty with art. So as an artist: Wattpad makes me see wonderful things and lets me explore!

Let’s move on to the last one. As a person. What I love about Wattpad is that you don’t just read people’s works, post your own, and then that’s it. No, you can go on clubs, talk to people – chat with them, even – and make new friends. It’s such a great way to share interests. I believe I’ve made very good friends around the world via Wattpad, and that’s helped me in writing and even in my reading habits! Wattpad let me see things I could never have seen in front of a computer, and I am very thankful for that.

To the people running Wattpad: thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m sure thousands of Wattpaders agree with me when I say this. And those who have yet to realize how grateful they are? Well, they will someday! I hope Wattpad becomes as famous as Facebook and Twitter – or more! Long live, Wattpad!

Forever and always,

(Via Watt’s Up.)


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