Note: Ted Treanor, founder of NetGalley, has just joined the Gilbane Group as a senior publishing strategies consultant. Congratulations, Ted. – P.B.

The video shows a Sony prototype of an OLED color e-book reader that rocks. One complaint of my speed reading friend is that page-flipping on any current e-reader interrupts his reading when he flips to the next page while the screen pulls in the content. Wait until you see the smooth and rapid page-flipping technology from Sony. The video is from last week’s Ceatec conference in Tokyo. To succeed in publishing over the next five years, we will need to embrace digital publishing and engage e-books, e-reader technology and social media.

Related: Earlier TeleRead items mentioning Sony OLEDs.


  1. But the experience still lacks materiality, as Dr Anne Mange suggests in her comments about screen-reading versus paper reading. It’s cool, the pages turn fast, but reading is about DIVING DEEP INTO THE PAGE, becoming immersed in the LANGUAGE of the writer, NOT JUST FLIPPING PAGES LIKE FLIPPING HAMBURGERS!

    I am impressed, yet remain luddicrous (pun on Mr Luddite).

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