images.jpgPrinceton and George Washington University have banned the iPad due to “network stability issues” says The Inquirer, and Cornell University has been seeing connectivity issues and bandwidth overload.

The Inquirer goes on to say:

Apple claimed it wasn’t familiar with the problems, even though Princeton has reported its issues to the company. Although this isn’t a problem with the device as such, connectivity problems like these need to be ironed out before educational institutions are going to take to it as Apple hopes. This might be why the international launch has been delayed, because these reports obviously need to be investigated. However it was pretty predictable, as problems always seem to crop up with Apple first-generation devices. Thus it may be sensible to wait.


  1. I remember the same things coming up as part of the iPhone launch. The cause in most cases as determined by Cisco was due to incorrect WLAN configurations or insufficient bandwidth allocations.

    That didn’t stop many from trying to blame the device however …..

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